quinnj / JSON3.jl

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Constructing immutable structs from keyword constructors

EricForgy opened this issue · comments

I bumped into this today and think it would also help with #69

julia> Base.@kwdef struct Test

julia> StructType(::Type{Test}) = Struct()

julia> JSON3.read("""{"t1":"Hello","t2":"world"}""",Test)
Test("Hello", "world")

julia> JSON3.read("""{"t1":"Hello"}""",Test)
ERROR: ArgumentError: invalid JSON at byte position 16 while parsing type String: UnexpectedEOF

julia> JSON3.read("""{"t2":"Hello","t1":"world"}""",Test)
Test("Hello", "world")

The last one (related to #69 ) threw me 😅

It would be awesome if JSON3 could somehow try to use a keyword constructor so

julia> JSON3.read("""{"t1":"Hello"}""",Test)

maps to


Just an idea, but maybe in addition to Struct() and Mutable() there could be a Keyword() 🤔

This would be a better issue for StructTypes; if there's still interest, let's open an issue up over htere.