quickfixgo / quickfix

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Duplicate SessionID

FattyMango opened this issue · comments

I'm creating a FIX(4.4) client and I'm trying to implement a retry mechanism that stops the entire initiator and starts it all over again, I'm doing this since the Quickfix auto reconnect doesn't send a ResetOnLogon in the reconnect message.

but when I try to create a new initiator with the same session I get a Duplicate SessionID error, I was able to reproduce the error and it appears to be from this function

func registerSession(s *session) error {
	defer sessionsLock.Unlock()

	if _, ok := sessions[s.sessionID]; ok { // here
		return errDuplicateSessionID

	sessions[s.sessionID] = s
	return nil

it works as expected when I remove the session check.

When you create a session (here) there is no way to remove it from this sessions map so when you create another initiator with same configs under the same thread you got the error Duplicate SessionID

We just need to remove the sessions map from global variables

Resolved with #637