QudianTech / flux-router-component

React components and mixins for router related features that work for applications with Flux architecture

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This package provides navigational React components and router React mixin for applications built with Flux architecture. Please check out examples of how to use these components.


NavLink is the a React component for navigational links. When the link is clicked, NavLink will dispatch NAVIGATE action to flux dispatcher. The dispatcher can then dispatch the action to the stores that can handle it.

Example Usage

var NavLink = require('flux-router-component').NavLink;

var Nav = React.createClass({
    render: function () {
        var pages,
            context = this.props.context;  // this should have a router instance and an executeAction function
        pages = [
                name: 'home',
                url: '/home',
                text: 'Home'
                name: 'about',
                url: '/about',
                text: 'About Us'
        links = pages.map(function (page) {
            return (
                <li className="navItem">
                    <NavLink href={page.url} context={context}>
        return (
            <ul className="nav">



RouterMixin is a React mixin to be used by application's top level React component to:

  • manage browser history when route changes, and
  • execute navigate action and then dispatch CHANGE_ROUTE_START and CHANGE_ROUTE_SUCCESS or CHANGE_ROUTE_FAILURE events via flux dispatcher on window popstate events

Example Usage

var RouterMixin = require('flux-router-component').RouterMixin;

var Application = React.createClass({
    mixins: [RouterMixin],

Browser Support

This library supports browsers without native pushState, such as IE8 and IE9. For these old browsers, hash will be updated with the new route path. Here is an example:

User clicks on a link to navigate from the current route http://mydomain.com/home, to a new route http://mydomain.com/path/to/new/route:

  • HTML5 browsers with pushState support will have the url updated to the new route;
  • IE8 and IE9 will have a hash fragment added to the current route: http://mydomain.com/home#/path/to/new/route.


addEventListener and removeEventListener polyfills are provided by:


This software is free to use under the Yahoo! Inc. BSD license. See the LICENSE file for license text and copyright information.

Third-pary open source code used are listed in our package.json file.


React components and mixins for router related features that work for applications with Flux architecture
