qubole / sparklens

Qubole Sparklens tool for performance tuning Apache Spark

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Not able to see the sparklens.Json File at mentioned Location

rpatid10 opened this issue · comments

Hi I have recently started Learning SparkLens and trying to generate one sample json file for my SparkApplication and I'm using below spark Submit Command.

--conf spark.extraListeners=com.qubole.sparklens.QuboleJobListener
--conf spark.sparklens.reporting.disabled=true
--conf spark.sparklens.data.dir=/home/data/sparklens.json
--num-executors 1
--jars /home/data/SparkLensJar/sparklens-0.1.2-s_2.11.jar
--master yarn
--deploy-mode cluster
--driver-cores 1
--driver-memory 1G
--executor-cores 1
--executor-memory 1G
--supervise --class com.spark.data.Sparklens

I am able to see report/Matrics in Log but Its not creating any Json file at mentioned Location.I have also tried Hdfs location /user/username instead of localFilePath and still not able to see the Json File.

@mayurdb @normalscene. I saw one of your issue "sparklens datadirectory not found #49" It is closed now.I am also Facing the same issue.Kindly Suggest if any other config need to add to generate fiule at HDFS location.

Thanks !!