quazzie / tellstick-plugin-mqtt-hass

Plugin for tellstick, connect to homeassistant via mqtt with autodiscovery.

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Scan interval for MQTT polling against Tellstick?

acateon opened this issue · comments

Have tried the plugin for a few days and must say that it works really well.

What bothers me (and by me I mean my significant other) is the respons time. From switching of a single light theres a latency around 1-2 seconds. If toggling a group of multiple lights and switches there might be a delay up to 10 seconds before the interface changes state for the group icon.

This results in the user presses the switch/light/group toggle again before all lights/switches are off and unintentionally trigger the switch/light/group again.

Is there a way to make HA act as of the switch etc is of as soon as it is pressed or solve the problem above some other way?


Not sure what your setup is, but I have not not noticed appreciable delay/latency in the MQTT communication between the Tellstick and HA. I am currently only using the Tellstick to receive commands from remote controls. They trigger automations in HA that control Zigbee and Z-Wave devices. When pushing a remote control button, the Zigbee/Z-Wave device reaction is practically instant - I don't have the time to push the remote button again before the devices have acted.

However, I previously used the Tellstick to control a number of 433 MHz controlled "smart plugs". Triggering one happened with only a small delay (1 second?). Triggering a group of such switches, I noticed that each plug was triggered in turn. Thus, triggering 4 switches would take about 4 (-ish) seconds from start until the last of the four plugs would switch. It would seem that the Tellstick transmits one message at a time and takes some time to do it.

Could this be the behavior you're observing? If so, it's probably not the MQTT communication, it's the Tellstick.

However, I previously used the Tellstick to control a number of 433 MHz controlled "smart plugs". Triggering one happened with only a small delay (1 second?). Triggering a group of such switches, I noticed that each plug was triggered in turn. Thus, triggering 4 switches would take about 4 (-ish) seconds from start until the last of the four plugs would switch. It would seem that the Tellstick transmits one message at a time and takes some time to do it.

Could this be the behavior you're observing? If so, it's probably not the MQTT communication, it's the Tellstick

I think @quazzie is right it is an Telldus problem. But, you can fix this by creating a script that toggles the specific devices based on the state of an input_boolean and to indicate status (while the script is running). Also make sure that the script is in single running mode https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2020/07/22/release-113/#automations--scripts-running-modes and add a cool down https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2020/07/22/release-113/#automations--scripts-bonus-cool-down

Create a topic in the forum and tag me (@fredrike) and I'll try to write together a real example.

I have the same issue. (Mqtt plugin)
a fibaro zwave switch -> tellstick -> ha -> automation -> tellstick -> Switch toggle (zwave).

The delay in this chain is 2-10 seconds. I too think its tellstick bit the guys at telldus cant help in another way then saying ”its nothing wrong with tellstick”.

I have single and delay to prevent multiple actions.

Have got any news acateon?


I’ve did as @fredrike suggested.

A boolean for every light group in my case. Then a script or a automation to turn the light group on or off depending of the toggle value of the boolean.

Just make sure that if the state change of a single entity in your group or the group itself triggers a update of the boolean to keep everything in sync.

As in my case the sluggish response only really were a problem for groups and not single entities it solved the user experience.

Creating an input_boolean will speed ut the chain a bit since ha doesnt have to "scan" states of lights in a group.

BUT, if I tail -f home-assistant.log there is a 1-2 second delay before "[homeassistant.components.mqtt] Received message on homeassistant/switch/znetmqtt/42/state: b'OFF'" is received.

Is this a delay between tellstick mqtt and ha mqtt or is it a delay from fibaro swith and tellstick? That is the Q ;)

If I press "Basic ON/OFF" in telldus live on fibaro sub-node I can hear the click in the fibaro switch pretty instantly.

I don't think this is a plugin problem.
Reopen / create new issue with more info if you feel diffrently.