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clairctl: export-updaters OOM issues

BirgerM opened this issue · comments

Description of Problem

Im trying to follow the steps as documented in the clair documentation, but i have the following issue:

Running clairctl export-updaters updates.json.gz to export updaters to a file ends up with the process consuming all available system memory before the process gets killed by the OOM killer or the machine enters a frozen state. I find it hard to believe that this command would require more than 16GB of available memory.

Expected Outcome

clairctl runs configured exporters and exports the results to a file.

Actual Outcome

Process gets killed by the OOM killer resulting in an empty updates.json.gz file.


Process hangs indefinitely waiting for more available system resources.


Freshly installed virtual machine in Azure

  • clairctl version: v4.7.2 (claircore v1.5.19)
  • Host OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.8 (Ootpa)
  • Kernel (e.g. uname -a): 4.18.0-477.27.1.el8_8.x86_64
  • Total online memory: 16G

I've opened a PR at quay/claircore#1120 in an attempt to address this. If you can build a patched clairctl and take it for a spin, I'd greatly appreciate it!


I built a way to test this a bit easier here, and build this version of clairctl (for amd64/linux). Please try it if you get a chance.

Tried running the new clairctl on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.8 (Ootpa), but had some issues with the available version of glibc.

./clairctl: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by ./clairctl)

Since GLIBC_2.34 is available on RHEL 9 i installed a new virtual machine with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2 (Plow) and ran clairctl. The memory consumption stays around 3-4GB, but i keep getting this error:

./clairctl export-updaters updates.json.gz
< omitted output >

2023-10-27T23:05:05+02:00 INF successful update component=libvuln/updates/Manager.driveUpdater ref=c8045fa9-139d-4fea-86c5-2e332c0a98ba updater=debian/updater
2023-10-27T23:05:05+02:00 INF finished update component=libvuln/updates/Manager.driveUpdater updater=debian/updater
json: error calling MarshalJSON for type *jsonblob.bufShim: unexpected EOF

okay, thanks for trying. I'll keep hacking at it.

Current version of that PR runs and seems to peak (just eyeballing it) at ~2GB of memory usage.

I'll also note that setting GOMAXPROCS to something like 1 seems to pretty aggressively constrain memory with the linked PR.

Should be completely fixed in v4.7.3