quay / clair

Vulnerability Static Analysis for Containers

Home Page:https://quay.github.io/clair/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"must provide a -conf flag or set "CLAIR_CONF" in the environment" instead of "File not found"

PipeItToDevNull opened this issue · comments

Description of Problem / Feature Request

In this example my config is actually config.yml so when config.yaml is called in the podman command the file will be "not found" but Clair says I am missing an env var or flag instead.

sudo podman run --rm -it --pod clair --name clair_scanner -e "CLAIR_CONF=/clair/config.yaml" -e "CLAIR_MODE=combo" -v ./clair/:/clair:Z 'quay.io/projectquay/clair:4.4.4'

2022/07/21 17:43:30 must provide a -conf flag or set "CLAIR_CONF" in the environment