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Wrong vue-tsc version in app-vite upgrade guide

w0pp opened this issue · comments



The upgrade guide mentions you should add vue-tsc@^1.0.0, but if you do that, you get an error after starting quasar dev, because vue-tsc/out/index is not found. I'm guessing that module was added in a later vue-tsc version.
The docs should probably say you should add vue-tsc@^1.8.22, the same version that you get when you use yarn create quasar.

Documentation Section URL



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The caret character means "latest semver compatible version" -- which is whatever last v1 version is available. But fine, I will change docs.

Will be available on next docs deployment.



The caret character means "latest semver compatible version" -- which is whatever last v1 version is available. But fine, I will change docs.

Thanks for the clarification. It looks like the issue was actually with Yarn on Windows requiring quotes around the version: yarnpkg/yarn#3270.