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q-editor viewsource error when inside of q-popup-edit

noogen opened this issue · comments

What happened?

When using q-editor inside of q-popup-edit and allowing toggle of viewsource toolbar, it unable to find the toolbar to hide so it error out. To demonstrate, I took a copy of the QDataTable with QPopupEdit and add the viewsource toolbar to this jsfiddle to demonstrate: https://jsfiddle.net/fqrek9ds/

What did you expect to happen?

It doesn't error out. Correctly hide the toolbar as expected behavior.

Reproduction URL


How to reproduce?

  1. go to provided reproduction link.
  2. Click on the comment (editable) item.
  3. Click <> to toggle viewsource.
  4. See error on console e is undefined when it try to find e.cmd == 'viewsource'


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Relevant log output

TypeError: e is undefined

Specifically:  return!e.isViewingSource.value||t.find(e=>"viewsource"===e.cmd)}

Additional context

No response