quasarframework / quasar-template-default

[DEPRECATED] Quasar App Boilerplate / Starter kit

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Property or method "_c" is not defined

Christilut opened this issue · comments

Getting alot of these warnings:

vue.runtime.common.js?d43f:509[Vue warn]: Property or method "_c" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure to declare reactive data properties in the data option. 
(found in anonymous component at /home/user/workspace/quasar-app/src/App.vue)

Seems to happen once for every vue component that is being rendered.

Not really a breaking bug since everything seems to work fine but should probably be fixed.

Rollup-plugin-vue compiler issue already solved. Use Quasar v0.10.3 with Vue 2.1.6. Thanks!