quasarframework / quasar-template-default

[DEPRECATED] Quasar App Boilerplate / Starter kit

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Feature request: unit & e2e test config.

musicformellons opened this issue · comments

This a feature request. It used to be included in quasar (like the vue boilerplate). As I remember it, it used to work for my setup, but somehow probably because of npm package updates I now get all kinds of errors which I can not seem to get rid of.

Yeah, don't have an issue with setting up the test environment. I got a big issue with testing with Vue Router. Thanks for sharing anyway!

@rstoenescu any timeline for the integration :) ? A lot of us are waiting for this ... A timeline for this will be very useful . Thanks in advance :)

Hi @rstoenescu ,

I'm having issues in reproducing the testing environment of vue-cli's webpack template into Quasar.
I know you are now busy with the next stable 0.14 version (great stuff there, really looking forward it!), but could you please consider giving testing configuration some priority afterwards?

Thanks! :)

Yes, of course. I know Vue team is working on an official testing lib/setup. Will probably wait for that before proceeding.

Wow great, that would really easy things! :)

@pinghe yeah I have taken a look at it too, it's really well done!

@rstoenescu How about integrating this?

Hi, webpack template for vuejs has 5K5 stars (https://github.com/vuejs-templates/webpack). Why not base quasar template on it? looks like a lot of duplicated effort. I tried to setup jest testing using forum instructions and failed. I tried copying the nightwatch config from vuejs-webpack to a quasar project and failed too (e2e runner expecting a Promise, but build/webpack.dev.conf.js is missing that part)

Try using this template for your code https://github.com/Arushi-Jain/quasar-starter-kit for unit testing using mocha and chai, you just need to use "npm run test"