quarbby / FYP-LaTeX-Template

:pencil: FYP/ UROP LaTeX template for School of Computing

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Compatibility issues with overleaf and new compliers in general

paradite opened this issue · comments


I used this template(a modified version) for a while, compiling fine on local and sharelatex. However, it fails to compile on overleaf. After communicating with their support, we narrowed down the problem to the APA style files embedded in socreport.cls.

The part is

% from apa.sty.


These lines have compatibility issues with .bib files with underscore as citation keys, like mitkov_computer-aided_2003. This is the auto-generated format when exporting bibliography as BibTex format in Zotero.

A better approach recommend from overleaf is to

  1. comment out the embedded part above in socreport.cls
  2. add following lines in main latex file which uses the actual apacite package
  1. Replace \bibliographystyle{socreport} with \bibliographystyle{apacite}

Let me know if you want to update the documentation to reflect this.

I can send you a copy of the email from the overleaf support if you want, contact me at zhuliangg11@gmail.com.

Hey thanks! Would it be okay if you want to do a PR to reflect this in the documentation? You could also add in quotes from overleaf support if you need to 😄 Thank you!