quaquel / EMAworkbench

workbench for performing exploratory modeling and analysis

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Altair missing as dependency

quaquel opened this issue · comments

Altair is used by PRIM, but currently not installed as part of the recommended packages.

It should be installed when installing ema_workbench[recommended]. Recommend includes graph, and graph includes altair.

recommended = ["ema_workbench[jupyter,dev,graph]"]
all = ["ema_workbench[jupyter,dev,cov,docs,graph,parallel]"]
jupyter = ["jupyter", "jupyter_client", "ipython", "ipykernel"]
dev = ["pytest", "pytest-mock", "jupyter_client", "ipyparallel"]
cov = ["pytest-cov", "coverage", "coveralls"]
docs = ["sphinx", "nbsphinx", "myst", "pyscaffold", "myst-parser"]
graph = ["altair", "pydot", "graphviz"]
parallel = ["ipyparallel", "traitlets"]

Thanks, I overlooked that. Was doing some tests on Colab and notices altair was not installing. But that is because altair comes pre-installed most likely with colab.