quanted / hem_app

django app for the human exposure model

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

load air freshener dose data into DB

kdionisio opened this issue · comments

Note this will probably take ~9 hrs to load.

Load this file: S2D_daily_all.csv
Located at: L:\Lab\HEM\S2D Module\R\KKI edits June 2 2017\output\airfreshener_4chems\Daily
using command:

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/home/kdionisio/S2D_daily_all.csv' INTO TABLE hem_app_dose FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' ignore 1 lines (person_id, @chemical, day, dir_derm_exp, dir_derm_max, dir_derm_abs, dir_inhal_exp, dir_inhal_mass, dir_inhal_max, dir_inhal_abs, dir_ingest_exp, dir_ingest_abs, hem_app_dose.release, ind_derm_exp, ind_derm_max, ind_derm_abs, ind_inhal_exp, ind_inhal_max, ind_inhal_mass, ind_inhal_abs, ind_ingest_exp, ind_ingest_abs, out_sur, out_air, drain, waste) SET created_at = NOW(), updated_at = NOW(), chemical_id = (SELECT id FROM hem_app_chemical WHERE dtxsid = @chemical), runparams_id=7; 

Sorry never got to this - I was able to get my remote connection working to connect in to the DB from home, but then wasn't able to retrieve the file I needed off the L drive - I can do this Weds when I am in the office if not done by then.

@dmlyons2 Do you know why GitHub is preventing me from moving this ticket to the 'Done' column? I am getting an error that I "can't perform that action at this time"