quaap / BookyMcBookface

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no populateBooks() in onCreate() in BookListActivity.java

waweic opened this issue · comments

The books are not shown after the app has been started. After a resume, it shows the list. If I get a PC with android studio somehow, I will file a pull request.

I'm not sure I understand the issue: You've previously added books to the app. Then closed it. Then, you don't see the list of books when you start the app. But after switching to another task and back, you do?

"onResume()" should be always called after "onCreate()", even on the first run (see docs ), so if your list isn't being populated, it's probably another reason.

How many books are in your list?

I have about 15 books in my list. But it clearly looks like populateBooks() isn't called in onCreate(), because it is called after switching the activity. Could that be a device specific issue?

Ok, it looks like a device specific issue. I don't get this strange behaviour on another device.

Can you post the Android version and device info? I've only tested on the few devices and emulators I have access to, so there could be a problem on certain android versions, etc.