quaap / BookyMcBookface

A simple, bare-bones epub reader

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Does not recurse into subdirectories for the 'Add Books From Folder' option

kozross opened this issue · comments

This seems like an odd design decision, as many people keep their books catalogued into subdirectories, which would require selecting each one individually, using an option meant to save time.


Yes I agree, makes it difficult to find books in larger libraries. Would not have thought it difficult to follow down a path for valid book types. Is this being developed actively? If I get some time I might have a hack about and see if I can find anything but I am certainly no programmer... ;-)

@donty I don't know about active development - I haven't received any feedback from my issue, and there have been no commits for ~4 months now.

Hi! I'm back from the dead! I've added this feature and it will be pushed in a new version sometime in the next week or two, if possible.

@quaap Good to hear!