qor / qor-example

An example application showcasing the QOR SDK

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error seeding

Light-Wizzard opened this issue · comments

go run config/db/seeds/main.go config/db/seeds/seeds.go
Error 1170: BLOB/TEXT column 'key' used in key specification without a key length

I get that also when seeding, and every time I run the application after; keep on going, it doesn't seem to affect anything. Would be nice if a note about that were in the instructions. You may also get a warning about AssetFS being overwritten before usage (or something similar) -- you can safely ignore that message also.

It did not populate the database.

Please provide more information (it actually is just as simple as following the instructions) -- Go version, Operating System, exact URL of instructions you are following, the error output that let you know something was wrong, maybe paste your database.yml file, what database system you are using, that kind of thing, anything that help others help you.

I think i remember issues with newer commits of qor-example not working correctly until I upgraded to Go 1.10+ (I was using 1.8).

Sorry I did not decide to use this project and am not working on it, but I know my setting are right, I could get some things to hook up, I will try to get a chance and reproduce this and give more details, I figured something was broke, maybe its my setup, but its simple and I am using the latest.