qiyuangong / Zoo_Benchmark

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Analytics-Zoo Benchmark

This repos has been merged into Analytics Zoo. Pls refer to Analytics Zoo Benchmark for more details.

This is a simple project to measure the performance of Analytics-Zoo (0.12.0-SNAPSHOT) with BigDL (0.13.1-SNAPSHOT), TFNet and OpenVINO backend. Currently, it only supports image classification inference benchmark.

The run.sh gives an example of how to use this project. You can modify batch size, iteration, model path and quantize or not.

Model Zoo

Model Zoo & Links

  1. Analytics-Zoo & BigDL
  2. TensorFlow
  3. OpenVINO

How to build

Build jar with following command:

mvn clean package

Usage for Pure JAVA Benchmark


  1. JAVA (JDK-8 or JDK-11)
  2. Maven
       1. type, tf, bigdl, bigdlblas and ov, e,g., bigdl
       2. Model path, e.g., *.model, *.xml
       3. Iteration, e.g., 100
       4. Batch Size, e.g., 32
       as parameters in order. More concretely, you can run this command:
       bash run.sh \\
            bigdl \\
            /path/model \\
            100 \\
# bigl mkldnn (oneDNN)
bash run.sh bigdl bigdl.model 10 64
# bigdl blas (MKLBLAS)
bash run.sh bigdlblas bigdl.model 10 64
# openvino (MKLDNN)
./run.sh ov openvino.xml 10 64
# TensorFlow (MKLDNN)
./run.sh tf ./tf_net 10 64

Note that for TFnet, you should give model dir path for model path.

Usage for Spark OpenVINO Benchmark


  1. JAVA (JDK-8 or JDK-11)
  2. Maven
  3. Spark 2.4.6

Create random data in multiple partitions, then running benchmark with multiple executors.

Default configurtion:

  1. Driver 20g memory
  2. Executor 30g memory
  3. Executor core=${CORE_NUM}/${NUM_EXECUTORS}

Multiple nodes

Zoo will broadcast model to multiple nodes. No further configuration is necessary.

Single Node

Not recommended. OMP instance may conflict with each other.

Pls place worker/executors in diferent containers or binding them to different numa node with numactl. Otherwise, OMP related environment may conflict and lead to low CPU usage.

  1. Single worker (single slave)
  2. Multiple workers (multiple slave instance)

Note that local model doesn't support multiple executors. Please launch a standalone Spark.

If your model is too large to Spark broadcast, pls change spark.rpc.message.maxSize.

       1. Model path, e.g., *.model, *.xml
       2. Batch Size, e.g., 32
       3. Iteration, optional, default 100
       4. Numer of executors, optional, default 1
       as parameters in order. More concretely, you can run this command:
       bash runSpark.sh \\
            openvinomodel.xml \\
            64 \\
            100 \\

Other Details

  1. This is not the whole pipeline performance script. It only focus how much time model computing takes, which means it measures the forward without pre-processing. The input of model is a dummy random tensor.

  2. Pay attention to ${CPU} in run.sh. Sometimes it will get wrong number because of HT.

  3. Change HYPER=2 in run.sh if hyper-threading is on.

  4. warm up in benchmark. The performance of first several batches may not stable. So, we added 10 batches for warm up. Their performance will not be taken into account.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Scala 78.1%Language:Shell 21.9%