qiaohan / vlg-fe

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Develop techs

Framework based on Angular.JS.

Pages are written with Jade

Stylesheets are written with SASS

Page scripts are written with CoffeeScript

And all compilations are completed by the automatic deploying tool gulp

All source codes are in the src directory. And the compiled files are in the www directory (which is not under the version control). Site's root directory is www.


  1. npm
  2. bower: npm install -g bower


npm install
bower install



More detail develop instructions


All jade files should be placed in src/pages directory. In the root of src jade directory, there should be only one jade file index.jade. index.jade is the entry of the app. Other jade files are recommended to be placed in organized directories.

Gulp will compile each jade file into a html file, without changing the directory structure. And then put them into the www/pages directory.

For example, you have such src structure:

  - ...
  - pages
    - login
      - login.jade
    - hall
      - hall.jade
      - personal_info
        - info.jade
        - rank.jade
  - index.jade

After gulp, you'll get such www structure:

  + vendor (the static files)
  - pages
    - login
      - login.html
    - hall
      - hall.html
      - personal_info
        - info.html
        - rank.html
  - index.html


All coffee files should be placed in src/scripts directory. I orgnize script files into the following categories:

  1. src/scripts/no-ng/: The native JavaScripts that are not related to Angular
  2. src/scripts/app.coffee: Angular entry file
  3. src/scripts/global/: Angular global scripts (configs, etc.)
  4. src/scripts/factories/: Angular global factories
  5. src/scripts/directories/: Angular global directives
  6. src/scripts/modules/: Angular sub-modules, organized according to our site-map

Gulp will concat all the coffee files in the above order, there are no order in each categories. And compile them into one JavaScript file script.js. And then put it into www/vendor/scripts/ directory.


All scss files should be placed in src/stylesheets directory. Organize the files as you like. The src/stylesheets/style.scss is the main scss file, and other files are imported in this file.

Gulp will only compile src/stylesheets/style.scss, so you must import the required files into this file. Gulp compiles the style.scss file into style.css, and put it into www/vendor/stylesheets directory.


All image files should be placed in src/images directory. Gulp will simply copy the whole directory to the www/vendor/images directory.

FE Dependencies

jQuery, Angular and Bootstrap are the main dependencies in this project. Gulp will simply copy the released minified .min.css files or .min.js files into www/vendor/stylesheets and www/vendor/scripts/ directories.

Other Notations

Relative link URLs

About the links in the files: be aware that the link URLs in jade, scss and coffee files won't be modified when being compiled. You have to consider the resulted www directory structure instead of the src directory stucture.

For example:

In any jade or coffee file, if you want to refer to an image file stored in images directory, you should write like this

<img src="vendor/images/icons/icon-example.png" />

As the index.jade file will be compiled as www/index.html and other jade/coffee files will be loaded into www/index.html asynchronously.

In any scss file, if you want to specify an image url, you should write like this:

background-image: url(../images/icons/icon-example.png)

As all the scss files will be compiled as www/vendor/stylesheets/style.css



Language:CoffeeScript 44.6%Language:CSS 23.3%Language:HTML 19.3%Language:JavaScript 12.8%