qiankanglai / ImagePicker

ImagePicker utility for cocos2d-x v3

Home Page:http://qiankanglai.me/project/2014/04/14/cocos2dx-ImagePicker/

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JSB for Cocos2d-x v3.11.1

0xJimmyBeh opened this issue · comments


I can't use the current JSB file with v3.11.1 and would like to regenerate the JSB but not sure how to do it.

I know you have change to Unity3D, but can show me how you generate the JSB or share the file you generate the JSB?

Thank you.

I remember I used the tool from cocos to bind JSB automatically, but modified it later by hand...


Thanks for your reply.

There is a tool from Cocos - bindings-generator to generate the JSB.

The environment setup is ok as i tried the test folder for JSB within the bindings-generator folder.
But i don't know how to modify the file for Image Picker.

I just modified it to have class to contain result, so I don't know how to describe. You may diff mine version with the generated one

I'll take time writing a simple tutorial if I have this weekend


Thank you for your guide.

Are you modifying framework/tools/tojs/cocos2dx_extension.ini to include the ImagePicker?
I try edit the file to add in ImagePicker into the class.

classes = AssetsManagerEx Manifest EventListenerAssetsManagerEx EventAssetsManagerEx Control.* ControlButton.* ScrollView$ TableView$ TableViewCell$ ImagePicker`

Then add to #include "ImagePicker/ImagePicker.h" to framework/extensions/cocos-ext.h for header path.

Then run the genbindings.py and it success generate the binding.

However, i check the extension.hpp file,
I found there is ImagePicker binding but no ImagePickerDelegate binding.

What do i miss?

Thank you.


I have success modified your code to work with Cocos2d-JS v3.11.1.

Thank you for your guide.

@Zinitter Can you send a pr to update this.I also need JSB for Cocos2d-x v3.11.1.Thx.