qcif / data-curator

Data Curator - share usable open data

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Data Curator News - subscribe to follow our progress

Stephen-Gates opened this issue · comments

What's happening with Data Curator?

We'll occasionally post news here so you can follow our progress without needing to watch this repository and see every conversation.

Simply press the Subscribe button on this Issue to follow along.

See what we've done in the Changelog. You can also see what we have planned for each milestone.

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This conversation is locked so only collaborators on this repository can comment here. That means you won't get spammed with notifications - unless we're making awesome progress ;-)

Thanks to @sjackman for suggesting this idea.

We just released version 0.1.0. It was released to provide an idea of what the interface is starting to look like and to demonstrate progress. The app only provides some basic functions but if you'd like to play and add an issue or two, we'd love your feedback.

There's a executable for mac OS. You'll get an unknown developer error when you launch it. We may add a Windows exe later - we had challenges with the build.

screenshot 2017-08-17 20 43 28

We released our first Windows build version 0.2.0. It doesn't have everything we had planned for v0.2.0 (e.g capture column, table, package properties and guess column properties) but we wanted to share to help address any Windows deployment issues.

macOS and Windows release 0.2.1 coming soon. Can't wait?

We now have support for Windows 32 and 64bit operating systems with version 0.2.1

Version 0.2.2 macOS and Windows released. Rapidly followed by v0.2.3 with Windows build only. Still only basic functions - more in a few weeks

Just released 0.3.1 for Windows and macOS. This release includes Guess Column Properties (aka Infer Schema) and Validate Table, so Data Curator is starting to show it's potential.

Release 0.3.5 is out. We've done heaps of testing, found some bugs, and raised some questions about how Data Curator should work. We'd love to hear your thoughts.

Version 0.4.0 is out. Your feedback, as always, is welcome.

Version 0.5.0 is out for your testing pleasure. You can now export a data package. Open a data package coming next week.

Version 0.5.1 is available and can open data packages.

Lots of little releases have got us to version 0.5.4. Lots of bugs squashed at the expense of delaying the foreign key feature.

Version 0.7.0 released. Foreign keys functionality is a bit buggy - will fix next week.

The Christmas Preview release is out. Our work is done for 2017. We'll be back for more in 2018.

We're back! We've just released v0.10.0 which delivered a few goodies including validating unique constraints, foreign keys, adding contributors, and support for CSV dialect (almost - the rest next fortnight).

We've adjusted our plans a little which means v1.0.0 won't be out until we have publishing to CKAN sorted. We're sorry for the inconvenience this may cause some users with our code not being signed until v1.0.0.

As always, we look forward to your feedback.

v0.11.0 is out. No new features. We focused on adding automated tests and code clean up.

Data Curator v0.12.0 is out. We squashed some bugs, improved performance and added support for case-sensitive headers.

As always, please download Data Curator and let us know your thoughts:

What's up next? Check out our plans 🚀

Data Curator v0.13.0 is out. Validation errors are now highlighted. If you have lots of errors you can pop-out the error list in a separate window. Enjoy and let us know what you think.

v0.13.0 had a nasty bug; we squashed it with v0.13.1.

v0.13.1 had an annoying bug so we squashed it with v0.13.2

v0.14.0 has been released. We've made a start on implementing Find and Replace. You can find and replace within a Column. Find and Replace across a Table next. There are a couple of bugs we've already found. Let us know if you find more.

v0.15.0 is out! You can now open a datapackage.zip or datapackage.json from a URL. We've also made a start on implementing the Foreign Keys to Data Packages pattern but at the moment it's just in the user interface.

v0.16.0 released. We implemented:

  • the Foreign Keys to Data Packages pattern
  • more Table Schema features:
    • decimalChar
    • groupChar
    • trueValues
    • falseValues

Data Curator v0.17.0 is out. That's our last feature release for a little while. Over the next month we'll be fixing bugs. Then we hope to sign the app to make it easier for some people to install. From there, we'll be focussed on CKAN integration. This will require some changes to a CKAN extension. After that's done, we'll return to Data Curator and add a Publish button to send a data package directly to CKAN via its API.

As always, please ✨ Download Data Curator for Windows or macOS. ✨
Request a new feature 💡 Report a bug 🪲

We're busy squashing bugs and improving performance. Check out v0.18.2

Here's v0.18.4. We squashed some more bugs.

We'd really appreciate your feedback on the functionality we've provided so far. We're taking a little break for a while but you can always check out out plans for the future

Here's v0.18.5
Minor changes to ensure better usability and coverage of specification
...Now for that break....
Stay tuned for app code signing...

First code-signed app 1.0.0 for both windows and mac.

Data Curator was officially launched for International Open Data Day 🎉

Beta release for support release is out. Not sure what our window is yet for receiving feedback before the production release, but feedback on this latest download, particularly in regards to issues included in the release, is always helpful.

Release 1.1.0 is out. There were a number of issues, including enhancements and bug-fixes raised by various users, and prioritised by our sponsors, addressed in this release

We now have sponsor's support for next round of fixes/updates to be scheduled within next couple of months.

Thanks to everyone who has provided feedback/questions over previous 12 months.

Our first pre-release is [now available] (https://github.com/ODIQueensland/data-curator/releases/tag/v1.2.0-alpha): bug-fixes and/or improved user experience.

Depending on feedback from this alpha release, our plan is to follow-up this bug-fix release(s) with a 'beta' version, with 1 or 2 new features, within the next week or two.

Would appreciate it if anyone is able to download and test this alpha and/or the next beta release(s) (as we make these available), and provide feedback through our issues page before the final production 1.2.0 release, mid-year(-ish) 🥺 🙏.

Please stay tuned for further releases over the next few days.

Hi everyone,
Please be aware that, as raised in #1006 , we are looking at moving this repository soon over to QCIF at https://github.com/qcif/, mostly because ODI Queensland closed some time again and all our development has been based with QCIF since the beginning.

What does that mean for subscribers?
Probably very little - the nature of the work hasn't changed - QCIF has been with this project since the beginning, and we'll use Github's usual means to allow visitors to this site to redirect through to the new home. The project will continue as before but in a place where QCIF has greater visibility.

I'll try to keep as many relevant links as updated as possible, but would appreciate any heads-up on those that I miss as we move.

Hi all
Building on the recent bug-fixe release, we've now release 1.2.1-beta, which includes custom properties.

Hi everyone,
1.2.3-beta released with some bug-fixes.

Hi all,
Incrementally pushing beta releases as bugs found before final signed release.
Please keep an eye on the latest beta as it is updated. Any help provided - by downloading and testing out Data-Curator, including its latest features - is appreciated. At the moment we've just released: 1.2.5-beta

1.2.5 is now released. These builds are unsigned code releases.
For the first time Data Curator is now available, as a code-signed release, through the Microsoft Windows store. Go to the Windows store website and search for "Data Curator".

Hi all,
Having already published to the Windows store, Data Curator is now available from the Apple Mac Store.
You'll notice it's listed as version 1.2.9 - no significant functionality has been added to Data Curator, but I did want to provide some indication that there were a number of changes needed to the build to enable Data Curator to reach the minimum required for Apple's sandbox requirements, including upgrade to the latest Electron framework (version 12.0.x), and only allowing opening of archives (zip files) from the user's "Downloads" folder.
Otherwise the Mac store's version 1.2.9 is effectively the same as the Window store's version 1.2.5.
For most Mac users, this means you can now find "Data Curator" in your "App store" application. The usual actions, "Get", then "Install" will install the "Data Curator" into your "Applications" folder.