qWici / vue-lang-code-flags

Vue component which shows the flag of the country from which the language comes from

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Missing flag

albertovincenzi opened this issue · comments

I've noticed that "ca" flag is missing

ISO standard is "ca" but flag is "es-ca".

Would be possible to add it?

@albertovincenzi added. New version of package available via Github registry. Now I try to setup action for publish package to NPM and Github at the same time. So if you use NPM registry - give me time =)

Great! I will see if NPM registry will be updated too so I can download the upgrade. Thanks a lot!

It seems npm registry don't get your updates. May I help you somehow?

@albertovincenzi updated. Close this issue if you successfully install update please.