q2333gh / blockchian_dev_intro

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Blockchain impl many instences.
but core idea is similar.
by learning the abstraction from these.
learn abstraction , ez to impl different blockchain instance.
Just like master FCG4 and easily use directX and openGL api.

before learn blockchain.due to its anoymous attribute.cause benefit and bad things.
and many crazy things happened in blockchian apps.
so we need a process of 祛魅.
not over determinied believe it(superstition).
also not fully reject every aspect of it .
need an abilty to recognize spam and scam.
and never gambling with coins and use it todo highly dangerous thing.
and never say that i have understand everything about blockchain and people did there. stay foolish haha.

dfx intro

install dfx

sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL https://internetcomputer.org/install.sh)"
# or:(if encounter net problem)
wget https://github.com/dfinity/sdk/releases/download/0.14.3/dfx-0.14.3-x86_64-linux.tar.gz

# mention the dfx version,maybe you should use latest.
# v0.14.3 just for 2023-7

IC-canister running tutorial:

dfx new hello # create a example project "hello"
cd hello
#start a local IC-chain on the local machine
#background sematics like java -jar nohup , running the program as a background task(service) .
#exit terminal won`t cause program stop.
dfx start --background

#sometime cache problem:
dfx start --clean

# deploy:
npm install # install all dependencies locally
dfx deploy #start backend and frontend program

dfx canister call hello_backend greet everyone
# greet -> backend_controller_name
# everyone -> the param to send with that controller(function on the server)
# receive from the terminal output:
# ("Hello, everyone!")

dfx stop


dfx new --type=rust ICVote
cd ICVote
dfx start --background
dfx deploy
# IC-rust 后端必须用到这个:
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

replica 原意副本,在这里 dfx 里面特指 Internet Computer local network binary
这是啥? 本地链? 还是一个 http 服务器?功能类似 tomcat?nginx?
这就是一个本地的 IC 链

部署到互联网上面的 IC 主链上:


How to use other backend language ?

By default backend use Mokoto.
How to use rust (with webMVC) ?
Or even Java , Python?
目前 2023-7 对 Python 的 IC-SDK 支持不完善,说的没有稳定的中型项目用 python 部署在 IC 链上
IC-SDK-java: 现在有一个叫 ic4j 的 ic java agent: https://github.com/ic4j/ic4j-agent

Some IC-rust project maybe: https://github.com/usergeek/canistergeek_ic_rust
IC-app-flutter:全栈,并且有用户资产相关,如他们的 ME 那个软件

Deploy dapp on IC-chain(on the Internet)


use IC-chain need resource

需要 nodes:由物理机(CPU,RAM,Storage),和网络,电力的计算节点
所以需要钱: 用 IC 的 cryptcurrncy 来换取成另一种币:他们称为 Cycle,然后你有一个 Cycle wallet,用来支付运行 canister 的费用
USD >> IC-cryptoconcurrency >> cycle >> run canister
另外 IC 会免费送点 cycles 第一次使用的时候: https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/developer-docs/setup/cycles/cycles-faucet

IC compile all codes into WASM

IC-SDK-APIs of Rust


例子: if you are developing a blogging platform, queries that retrieve articles matching a tag probably don’t warrant going through consensus(共识) to ensure that a majority of nodes agree on the results.意思是?可能各个链上数据不是完全同步的?
这里的共识关系到 block-chain 的共识算法嘛?还是什么意思?

对于敏感信息,如账单交易,需要做certified queries,enable you to receive authenticated responses.

基于区块链,所有的 DB 数据都是存在链上的吗?
canister 只是在负责做函数计算吗?

queries 的数据来源:Data Storage

query 查询的是 IC 特别命名的 stable memory,这里的 memory 不是指普遍意义 CS 中的内存条,😅
但是反正可以抽象为: 一个稳定存储的 byte 数组,任何 canister 都可以来 CRUD,


如单词网络发送容量,链上存储容量,RPC 交互节点量,wasm 最大文件大小等:https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/developer-docs/backend/resource-limits


ref: https://github.com/dfinity/cdk-rs

intro: A canister is a WebAssembly (wasm) module that can run on the Internet Computer.

整个 dapp 工程需要测试和本地模拟区块链

使用本地链上面的 IC 的货币,neuron,hotkey,等
做 不同账户不同容器间的 CRUD.

如何 debug 一个 dapp??
debug 一个 dapp 是在 debug 一个 rust-wasm 程序吗?



Language:Shell 88.4%Language:Rust 11.6%