q191201771 / lal

🔥 Golang audio/video live streaming lib/client/server. support RTMP, RTSP(RTP/RTCP), HLS, HTTP[S]/WebSocket-FLV/TS, GB28181, H264/H265/AAC/G711/OPUS, relay, cluster, record, HTTP Notify/API/UI. 直播

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50fps video source to flv black screen

testermania opened this issue · comments

no video with hls.js player.

ffmpeg -re -i sample-source -c:v copy -c:a aac -strict -2 -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/live/test

sample source mp4 (update link)


What version are you using?
The release version has a bug when using HLS.
If you are using the release version, try the newest code in the master branch.

I always use the latest code in master branch. I just installed this 7e1b27d and testing, I will give feedback.

Update: the problem continues. There is no image in 50fps ts videos. I updated the file in the first message.