pyvista / pyvista

3D plotting and mesh analysis through a streamlined interface for the Visualization Toolkit (VTK)

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PyVista trame menu ruler hides all objects from the scene on local rendering sometimes

MattTheCuber opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug, what's wrong, and what you expected.

If you add a PyVista plot to a trame layout with a menu, switch to local rendering, then toggle the ruler a few times (about the 5th time), it does not render the objects in the scene.

Steps to reproduce the bug.

import pyvista as pv
from pyvista.trame.ui import plotter_ui
from import get_server
from trame.ui.vuetify3 import SinglePageLayout

pv.OFF_SCREEN = True

server = get_server(client_type="vue3")
state, ctrl = server.state, server.controller

plotter = pv.Plotter()
cube = pv.Cube()
cube_actor = plotter.add_mesh(cube, name="Cube")

with SinglePageLayout(server) as layout:
    with layout.content:
        view = plotter_ui(plotter, add_menu=True)


System Information

  Date: Wed Mar 06 14:24:09 2024 EST

                  OS : Linux
              CPU(s) : 32
             Machine : x86_64
        Architecture : 64bit
                 RAM : 125.8 GiB
         Environment : Python
         File system : ext4
          GPU Vendor : Mesa/
        GPU Renderer : llvmpipe (LLVM 12.0.1, 256 bits)
         GPU Version : 4.5 (Core Profile) Mesa 21.1.5
    MathText Support : True

  Python 3.11.6 (main, Nov  2 2023, 14:08:07) [GCC 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat

             pyvista : 0.43.3
                 vtk : 9.3.0
               numpy : 1.26.4
          matplotlib : 3.8.3
              scooby : 0.9.2
               pooch : 1.8.1
              pillow : 10.2.0
             imageio : 2.31.6
               PyQt5 : 5.15.10
             IPython : 8.17.2
            colorcet : 3.0.1
             cmocean : 3.0.3
          ipywidgets : 8.1.1
               scipy : 1.11.3
                tqdm : 4.63.1
              meshio : 5.3.4
          jupyterlab : 4.1.3
               trame : 3.5.2
        trame_client : 2.16.2
        trame_server : 2.17.2
           trame_vtk : 2.8.5
       trame_vuetify : 2.4.2
jupyter_server_proxy : 4.1.0
        nest_asyncio : 1.5.8



Arg, that is because the state goes out of sync... I'm expecting VTK/WASM local rendering to actually fix such issue.