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TPU debugging

mfatih7 opened this issue · comments


In the debugging article

the following script is used to get log data from host

export PT_XLA_DEBUG=1

python3 mmf_cli/ \
config=./projects/unit/configs/all_8_datasets/shared_dec_without_task_embedding.yaml \
dataset=glue_qnli \
model=unit \
training.batch_size=8 \
training.device=xla \
distributed.world_size=1 \
training.log_interval=100 \
I do not use logging module in my scripts.

How can I get log data for my own training script from the Host while using TPU on COLAB?

I am triggering the training procedure with the code below.


How should I modify the above code that I use to start my training scripts?


The debugging article that I mentioned before does not belong to Google COLAB.
It belongs to google cloud. Can I run every google cloud code in COLAB?

Afterwards I switched to Troubleshooting document of COLAB.

I imported

import torch_xla.debug.metrics as met


lines to my code and after the execution is completed I observe the metrics data.
But how about running my workload with


How can I activate this?


How can I activate Auto-Metrics Analysis?

When I run

!python PT_XLA_DEBUG=1

I don't see any printed information on the console like the example message below.

pt-xla-profiler: CompileTime too frequent: 21 counts during 11 steps
pt-xla-profiler: TransferFromServerTime too frequent: 11 counts during 11 steps
pt-xla-profiler: Op(s) not lowered: aten::_ctc_loss, aten::_ctc_loss_backward,  Please open a GitHub issue with the above op lowering requests.
pt-xla-profiler: CompileTime too frequent: 23 counts during 12 steps
pt-xla-profiler: TransferFromServerTime too frequent: 12 counts during 12 steps

Adding the lines below to the code is enough

import os 
os.environ['PT_XLA_DEBUG'] = '1'