pytorch / kineto

A CPU+GPU Profiling library that provides access to timeline traces and hardware performance counters.

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Is Kineto planning to support backend extensions?

fwenguang opened this issue · comments

Hello, there is 'PrivateUse1' in pytorch to support backend integration. Will Kineto provide similar features?

Hi, we are open to contributers for that backend. The integration in pytorch was landed by open source contributors.

Thanks for your reply.

I commit a pr #874 that add some ActivityTypes for PrivateUse1.

As a PrivateUse1 user of pytorch. Benefiting from two base classes, IActivityProfilerSession and IActivityProfiler. I have implemented my own kineto plugin. However some additional modifications are still needed. See this pr and pr pytorch/pytorch#120556 for reference.

@aaronenyeshi Could you help review and give some suggestions? Thanks.

Happy to continue reviewing and landing diffs for PrivateUse1, and we are open to contributions from the open source community. Thank you for your contributions. Closing this issue / question now.