pytorch / kineto

A CPU+GPU Profiling library that provides access to timeline traces and hardware performance counters.

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maybe namespace libkineto naming typo

zehan-mt opened this issue · comments

namespace libkineto {

The namespace should be KINETO_NAMESPACE according to the comment after the right brace.

Good catch! Please feel free to submit a PR, or I can create a PR to fix it. Thanks!

Good catch! Please feel free to submit a PR, or I can create a PR to fix it. Thanks!

It's a little confusing about namespace KINETO_NAMESPACE and libkineto so it may not be easy to just replace 'libkineto' to 'KINETO_NAMESPACE'. It usually raises xxx marked ‘override’, but does not override error when I try to build which may have some relevance with the two namespaces.

@zehan-mt I suspect the "right" fix is actually to change the comments (add one for } // KINETO_NAMESPACE at the end of the first namespace, and add one for } // libkineto at the end of the second namespace

output_base.h has moved to the include/ directory and will be part of public headers. So libkineto namespace is fixed and correct now. Closing this issue.

Ref: #874