pytogo / portforward

Kubernetes Port-Forward Go-Edition For Python

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Log message: "attempted to set a logger after the logging system was already initialized"

reissseb opened this issue · comments

  • portforward version: 0.6.0
  • Python version: 3.11.3
  • Operating System: Windows 10


I was setting up a simple port forwarding to a Kubernetes pod. The forwarding works fine, but I get following message in the console output:

attempted to set a logger after the logging system was already initialized

The message also exists with a very simple script without any logging configuration and just using print().

Outcommenting the port forwarding does stop printing the above message to the console.

What I Did

import portforward


with portforward.forward(
  print("port forwarding active")


console output:

port forwarding active
attempted to set a logger after the logging system was already initialized

Message is also printed with log_level=portforward.LogLevel.OFF

(I am currently out of spare time but I hope to start working on this soon. But if anyone has interest in fixing it, just drop a note here.)