python-trio / hypothesis-trio

Hypothesis plugin for trio

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

License problem: Hypothesis is MPL-2.0, and this should be too.

Zac-HD opened this issue Β· comments

The MPL-2.0 is basically a per-file copyleft, akin to the LGPL or a GPL without the linking clause. Because this library is basically an async-capable port of hypothesis.stateful, it must also be MPL licensed.

@touilleMan @njsmith is there an existing process for this, or should I just change the license files and More importantly, how to we make sure Trio projects get licensing right in future?

I guess the process is:

  • @touilleMan and any other contributors have to agree to re-license their contributions. (The MPL can't force them to release their code under a matching license; all it can do is forbid us to distribute it under an incompatible license.) Can you check git log to make sure we know who exactly we need to talk to?

  • Then we go ahead and change the license files and

how to we make sure Trio projects get licensing right in future?

I don't really have any brilliant suggestions here. I don't think we have resources to, like, use automated scans to detect license non-compliance or anything. And this project's been kind of off in a corner without as much attention as some other ones. (I have to admit I still don't really understand hypothesis's stateful testing 😰.) Most projects seem to get by with just... noticing things like this as they come up? I know that's not very satisfying though :-/

* @touilleMan and any other contributors have to agree to re-license their contributions

According to, only me, @Zac-HD and @vxgmichel have commited on this project.

I'm totally ok to change the license, so we only need @vxgmichel approval ;-)

* @touilleMan and any other contributors have to agree to re-license their contributions.

Yey, copyleft! Agreed πŸ‘

Awesome - I'll make and merge a PR for that when I get home πŸ˜„

@touilleMan - all done! Can you make a release?

@Zac-HD Hey, what's your PyPI username? :-)

Why, it's Zac-HD 😜


Any trick to cutting releases, beyond the usual sequence?

I'm not aware of any...

Haha, turns out that I had a ~/.pypirc with the legacy URL... deleted that line and everything worked :shipit:

@Zac-HD It seems you have forgotten to correct the License: Your choice of MIT or Apache License 2.0 part of the README

Your release automation makes you soft!

I'm envious :-(

I wish wish wish any of these CI platforms had some simple way to keep deploy secrets from people with commit access :-(.

Whoops, the curse of direct pushing strikes again.

Well, at least it pointed out we had branch protection turned off :-). I just turned it on.