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Repo cleanup

njsmith opened this issue · comments

I think we should:

  • go through and delete all the legacy branches we aren't actively using (I think that's everything except: bleach-spike, api-design, and disable-ci?)
  • go through and rename all the existing tags from <version> to urllib3/<version> or similar – it might be handy to keep them around for historical purposes, but we're restarting the version numbering, so they shouldn't just be called <version>. Or maybe it doesn't matter and we should just delete them?
  • rename bleach-spike to master
  • switch the project settings to make master the default+protected branch

Am I missing anything? This all requires some fiddly+intrusive git stuff, so we want to do it soon, but we also want to do it right...

You also want to remove the releases from GitHub:

I think that's just another view of the tags? I'm not 100% sure.

Oh right, I did not know about that. I think it's fine to delete tags and releases, it's not like urllib3/urllib3 is going away. I believe just renaming them would be confusing

I deleted the tags, using:

for TAG in $(git tag); do git tag -d $TAG && git push origin :refs/tags/$TAG; done

(Kinda slow b/c it did ~45 separate pushes, but it worked.) And that does seem to have cleaned up the "releases" tab on github too.

OK, I also deleted all the old stale branches (using Github's convenient UI for this), and renamed bleach-spikemaster.

We're gonna have to cleanup the README as well. Lots of references to urllib3 abound!