python-pillow / pillow-depends

Pillow dependency sources -- cached for ci builds

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How can i install depends to my host?

KhromovAA opened this issue · comments

I tried to install libjpeg or libwebp or zlib files to my host for discord bot a lot of times with different ways, but it didnt work. When i tried to just download Pillow with pip, it said that cant find jpeg files. Then i found way to disable jpeg, but as i understood, it disables all libraries, because when i try to open different file types with, It always crashes with error "Cant indificate file ...". I get my image from url, so can i can do without Or there are file type that dont need library? If there arent any way, so how can i install depended libraries to host? I am pretty new to this, and may be i cant understand simple things, but i really need help with this

Hi. I think the better place for this is at Please open a new issue there.
I wouldn't try disabling jpeg.
What operating system are you using? How are you trying to install libjpeg?