pytest-dev / pytest-selenium

Plugin for running Selenium with pytest

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Dependency conflicts

jrbenny35 opened this issue · comments

Recently I noticed some errors where pytest-selenium needs tenacity older than version 7 but newer than or equal to version 6. Tenacity has a version 7.0.0. Can we change pytest-selenium to use tenacity version 7 or does it need to use a version older than 7.0.0.

I submitted a PR to support newest versions of Tenacity. Local testing looks good.

I submitted a PR to support newest versions of Tenacity. Local testing looks good.

Thank you, will review shortly!

This is now fixed thanks to the migration to Poetry.

Should be fixed by migration to Poetry.


@BeyondEvil hello, sorry to reopen this, but are you sure this is fixed?
I've run into some dependency conflicts like this:

The conflict is caused by:
luigi 3.1.1 depends on tenacity<9 and >=8
plotly 5.10.0 depends on tenacity>=6.2.0
pytest-selenium 4.0.0 depends on tenacity<7.0.0 and >=6.0.0

So it seems pytest-selenium is not compatible with tenacity >= 8.

It seems that in principle the version constraints were relaxed, but the respective code was not released yet. I would also love to see a release. Is there anything blocking that, where some help could speed up the process? @BeyondEvil

What @sallner said. The fix is on master, but not yet released @jgb

Technically I can release it, but I wanted to properly support Selenium 4 as that is what was promised for the v4 release of the plugin. But it seems I'm going to have to make some breaking changes in a minor or patch release (as the plan is that the version of the pluging should be in parity with the selenium version).

Essentially I was too fast on the trigger. :(

I would really appreciate some help on that @sallner - mostly some rubber-ducking on design/implementation decisions. 🙇

I had asked a question that I never got a response for @sallner #300 (comment)