pytest-dev / pytest-cov

Coverage plugin for pytest.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wrong coverage when there's a pytest plugin installed that imports the module that you want to cover

nelsyeung opened this issue · comments


When there's a pytest plugin installed that imports the module that you want to have coverage, it will not cover that module. However, running coverage run -m pytest ... works as expected.

Expected vs actual result


src/foo/       2      0   100%

Actual result:

src/foo/       2      1    50%


Create src/foo/

def foo() -> str:
    return "foo"

Create src/pytest_foo/

import foo

Create tests/

import foo
def test_foo():
    assert == "foo"

I'm using poetry for the build, so in my pyproject.toml I have:

name = "foo"
version = "1.0.0"
description = ""
authors = ["foo bar"]
packages = [
  {include = "foo", from = "src"},
  {include = "pytest_foo", from = "src"},

foo = "pytest_foo"

addopts = [

requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

Run pytest:

tests/ .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      [100%]

---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.7.13-final-0 ----------
Name                  Stmts   Miss  Cover
src/foo/       2      1    50%
TOTAL                     2      1    50%

FAIL Required test coverage of 80% not reached. Total coverage: 50.00%



I realised that although this is a slightly different problem than (since I'm not even trying to cover the plugin itself just the API it uses separately), it's probably caused by the same underlying problem with the plugin system. As a workaround, I wrote a script that generates a .pth file and put it into the site-packages directory which sets the coverage variables when running pytest.