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Have a file like in PyScaffold

FlorianWilhelm opened this issue · comments

Describe your use-case

@sgbaird motivated that having a might be useful for his data science project setup. [#642]

Describe the solution you would like to see for your use-case

Just do not automatically activate the --no-skeleton extension in this extension.

Do you think the (e.g. here) could be placed into src to replace the file? It was suggested to me by a collaborator (@kjappelbaum) that I use click and he made a PR to convert the CLI (which I had renamed to to one using click (moved to

Or maybe could be modified (stripped of xtal2png-specific content) and used as a template.

I took a brief pass at eliminating some of the xtal2png-specific content, though I think it could be made leaner. For example, whether to let some of the file errors happen naturally at the os package level or whether some of the helper functions should be integrated into the cli function itself. I'm neither attached to a specific configuration nor very familiar with click, so I'll have to defer on some of these.

import logging
import os
from glob import glob

import click
from click._compat import get_text_stderr
from click.exceptions import UsageError
from click.utils import echo

from self_driving_lab_demo import __version__
from self_driving_lab_demo.core import _logger, fib, setup_logging

def _show_usage_error(self, file=None):
    if file is None:
        file = get_text_stderr()
    color = None

    echo("Error: %s" % self.format_message(), file=file, color=color)
    if self.ctx is not None:
        color = self.ctx.color
        echo("\n\n" + self.ctx.get_help() + "\n", file=file, color=color) = _show_usage_error  # type: ignore

def check_save_dir(save_dir):
    if save_dir is None:
        raise UsageError("Please specify a path to a directory to save the PNG files.")

def check_path(path, extension):
    if path is None:
        raise UsageError(
            f"Please specify a path to a {extension} file or "
            f"directory containing {extension} files."

def check_files(path, extension):
    if os.path.isdir(path):
        files = glob(os.path.join(path, f"*.{extension}"))
        if not files:
            raise UsageError(f"No {extension.upper()} files found in directory: {path}")
    elif os.path.isfile(path):
        if not path.endswith(f".{extension}"):
            raise UsageError(f"File must have .{extension} extension: {path}")
        files = [path]

    return files

@click.option("--version", is_flag=True, help="Show version.")
    help="Input filepath",
    help="Directory in which to save the output file(s).",
@click.option("--encode", "runtype", flag_value="encode", help="Encode values.")
@click.option("--decode", "runtype", flag_value="decode", help="Decode values.")
@click.option("--verbose", "-v", help="Set loglevel to INFO.")
@click.option("--very-verbose", "-vv", help="Set loglevel to INFO.")
    help="integer input (n) to calculate the n-th Fibonnaci number",
def cli(ctx, version, path, save_dir, runtype, verbose, very_verbose, n):
    ${qual_package} command line interface.
    if version:
        click.echo("${qual_package} version: {}".format(__version__))
    if verbose:
    if very_verbose:

    if runtype not in ["encode", "decode"]:
        raise UsageError("Please specify --encode or --decode.")

    _logger.debug("Some message to be displayed when using --very-verbose flag")

    # the core functionality

    # optionally could read from an input file located at ``path`` and output a file to
    # a ``save_dir``


if __name__ == "__main__":

Hi @sgbaird, thanks for your comments. It makes more sense, and is also more of a best practice, to have a within the actual package, i.e. within src/pkg_name. One could move as you suggested to with the corresponding notes as in, e.g. like the console_scripts settings in setup.cfg. One could do this by default and additionally provide a no-cli command-line-option if some users don't want it.

The script you provided above is a bit complicated and outdated for an example, to be honest. For instance:

@click.option("-v", "--verbose", "log_level", flag_value=logging.INFO)
@click.option("-vv", "--very-verbose", "log_level", flag_value=logging.DEBUG)
def main(cfg_path: Path, log_level: int):

allows you to have the log level directed in log_level so you can do then just:

      datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",
      format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s",

and save all the ifs in the example code. Also consider using Python's pathlib library instead of os.path. This also makes the code more robust and even simpler.

I even wonder if one should nowadays even recommend typer instead of click as it uses type-hinting and makes writing a CLI even simpler than click.

Would you want to work on a PR? I can provide coaching if you want to but have no time myself to implement it right now.

@FlorianWilhelm I think I'll look into typer! Happy to work on a PR, but I might wait until the next time I'm implementing a CI for one of my projects.