A comprehensive, type-complete, easy-to-learn Python Reddit API wrapper.
RedditWarp is a Python library that simplifies working with the Reddit API. It handles the complexities of the Reddit API in a way that is comprehensive, highly discoverable, and static-type conscious. It includes a variety of useful tools to facilitate a wide range of use cases, and even provides tools for accessing the API in ways previously not possible.
Look how easy it is to use:
import redditwarp.SYNC
client = redditwarp.SYNC.Client()
it = client.p.front.pull.hot(5)
l = list(it)
for subm in l:
print("r/{0.subreddit.name} | {0.id36}+ ^{0.score} | {0.title!r:.80}".format(subm))
- A consistent and easy-to-use programming interface.
- Modern type-complete codebase.
- Sync and asynchronous IO support.
- Automatic rate limit handling.
- A comprehensive and discoverable index of API procedures.
- Model classes that are fully typed and sensibly wrap API structures.
- Formal data structures to facilitate comment tree traversals and pagination.
- HTTP transport library agnosticism.
- OAuth2 tooling and CLI utilities to help manage auth tokens.
- A simple event-based listing endpoint streaming framework.
Requires Python 3.8+. Type annotations may use 3.9 features. Code examples will assume 3.10.
pip install -U redditwarp
import redditwarp.SYNC
client = redditwarp.SYNC.Client()
# Display the first 5 submissions on the Reddit frontpage.
it = client.p.front.pull.hot(5)
l = list(it)
for subm in l:
print("r/{0.subreddit.name} | {0.id36}+ ^{0.score} | {0.title!r:.80}".format(subm))
# How many subscribers does r/Python have?
subr = client.p.subreddit.fetch_by_name('Python')
# Display the top submission of the week in the r/YouShouldKnow subreddit.
m = next(client.p.subreddit.pull.top('YouShouldKnow', amount=1, time='week'))
{m.id36}+ ^{m.score} | {m.title}
Submitted {m.created_at.astimezone().ctime()}{' *' if m.is_edited else ''} \
by u/{m.author_display_name} to r/{m.subreddit.name}
# Get the first comment of a submission.
tree_node = client.p.comment_tree.fetch('uc8i1g', sort='top', limit=1)
c = tree_node.children[0].value
{c.submission.id36}+{c.id36} ^{c.score}
u/{c.author_display_name} says:
# List the moderators of r/redditdev.
it1 = client.p.moderation.pull_users.moderators('redditdev')
for mod in it1:
More examples
# ...
# Need credentials for these next few API calls.
CLIENT_ID = '...'
# Who am I?
me = client1.p.account.fetch()
print(f"Hello u/{me.name}!")
# Show my last 5 comments.
it2 = client.p.user.pull.comments(me.name, 5)
for comm in it2:
# Show my last 10 saved items.
from redditwarp.models.submission_SYNC import Submission
from redditwarp.models.comment_SYNC import Comment
it3 = client1.p.user.pull.saved(me.name, 10)
l = list(it3)
for obj in l:
match obj:
case Submission() as m:
{m.id36}+ ^{m.score} | {m.title}
Submitted {m.created_at.astimezone().ctime()}{' *' if m.is_edited else ''} \
by u/{m.author_display_name} to r/{m.subreddit.name}
case Comment() as c:
{c.submission.id36}+{c.id36} ^{c.score}
u/{c.author_display_name} says:
# Submit a link post to r/test.
"Check out this cool website", "https://www.reddit.com")
# Reply to a submission.
from redditwarp.util.extract_id_from_url import extract_submission_id36_from_url
id36 = extract_submission_id36_from_url("https://www.reddit.com/comments/5e1az9")
comm1 = client1.p.submission.reply(id36, "Pretty cool stuff!")
# Delete the comment reply.
Streaming example
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from redditwarp.models.submission_ASYNC import Submission
import asyncio
import redditwarp.ASYNC
from redditwarp.streaming.makers.subreddit_ASYNC import create_submission_stream
from redditwarp.streaming.ASYNC import flow
async def main() -> None:
client = redditwarp.ASYNC.Client()
async with client:
submission_stream = create_submission_stream(client, 'AskReddit')
async def _(subm: Submission) -> None:
print(subm.id36, '~', subm.title)
async def _(exc: Exception) -> None:
print('ERROR:', repr(exc))
await flow(submission_stream)
Post any questions you have to r/redditdev.
Join the conversation in the RedditWarp Discord guild.