pypa / distutils

distutils as found in cpython

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Difference among distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc()

wqh17101 opened this issue · comments

The issue is related to pypa/setuptools#3605

I found that
in func get_python_inc

 _get_python_inc_posix_python : None
_get_python_inc_from_config: /devcloud/ws/sirFh/workspace/j_VWBQ8FGA/aaa_python/third_build/python/include/python3.9
 _get_python_inc_posix_prefix: /opt/aaa/python/python-3.9.2/include/python3.9

I found that the path in _get_python_inc_from_config is geneated by prefix which is a option of building python.
But the python can install to anywhere,maybe not the same as prefix.So this will cause this error.
Maybe we can adjust the order of

return (
or _get_python_inc_from_config(plat_specific, spec_prefix)
or _get_python_inc_posix_prefix(prefix)


 return (
        or _get_python_inc_posix_prefix(prefix
        or _get_python_inc_from_config(plat_specific, spec_prefix)

I believe this issue is a duplicate of #178.