Plus signs in signatures are replaced by spaces
Gwildor opened this issue · comments
Some signatures generated through lti aren't accepted by it because they contain spaces, while the signature generated to confirm the body has plus signs at those locations. I assume this occurs because urllib.parse.parse_qs
is used in the lti.utils
For instance, calling generate_launch_data()
on a ToolConsumer
instance might give me fJhMAcT9cEl4uyt3 tM q6QKPcw=
as OAuth signature, but oauthlib generates fJhMAcT9cEl4uyt3+tM+q6QKPcw=
with the same body and secret.
There is a bug in line 60 of It should not call both unquote and parse_qs. parse_qs unquotes when it parses, so you are seeing a double unquoting going on, the first is taking the %2B and turning it into a + and the second takes the + and turns it into a
The fix is to remove the unquote call on line 60
I am wondering if once this issue is fixed, there will be an issue with the fact that the data is returned as a dict and therefore the order is not guaranteed.
I don't think so. OAuth specifies how to order it, and most frameworks (Django, for instance) provide access to POST data as a dictionary, which is able to be validated directly.