pyenv / pyenv-virtualenv

a pyenv plugin to manage virtualenv (a.k.a. python-virtualenv)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hooks for virtualenv-delete

raffaem opened this issue · comments

We should include hooks in pyenv-virtualenv-delete, like before_virtualenv_delete and after_virtualenv_delete.

For instance, pyenv-jupyter-kernel is a project that will create Jupyter kernels when creating a pyenv virtual environment, and delete the kernel when the virtual environment is deleted.

Kernel deletion works with pyenv uninstall, but not with pyenv virtualenv-delete, due to lack of hooks in this function.


  • Make sure your problem is not listed in the common build problems.
  • Make sure no duplicated issue has already been reported in the pyenv-virtualenv issues. You should look in closed issues, too.
  • Make sure you are not asking us to help solving your specific issue.
    • GitHub issues is opened mainly for development purposes. If you want to ask someone to help solving your problem, go to some community site like Gitter, StackOverflow, etc.
  • Make sure your problem is not derived from packaging (e.g. Homebrew).
    • Please refer to the package documentation for the installation issues, etc.
  • Make sure your problem is not derived from other plugins.
    • This repository is maintaining the pyenv-virtualenv plugin only. Please refrain from reporting issues of other plugins here.


  • Platform information (e.g. Ubuntu Linux 20.04):
  • OS architecture (e.g. amd64):
  • pyenv version:
  • pyenv-virtualenv version:
  • Python version:
  • virtualenv version (if installed):
  • Please attach the debug log of a faulty Pyenv invocation as a gist
    • If the problem happens in a Pyenv invocation, you can turn on debug logging by setting PYENV_DEBUG=1, e.g. env PYENV_DEBUG=1 pyenv install -v 3.6.4
    • If the problem happens outside of a Pyenv invocation, get the debug log like this:
      # for Bash
      export PS4='+(${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}): ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'
      # for Zsh
      export PS4='+(%x:%I): %N(%i): '
      set -x
      <reproduce the problem>
      set +x