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BEOdfTranslator failure

ramav87 opened this issue · comments

BE ODF translator unable to translate certain old files collected in 2010. This error was found for nonlinearity measurements:

KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
4 translator = px.translators.BEodfTranslator()
----> 6 translator.translate(file_path)

//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pycroscopy/io/translators/ in translate(self, file_path, show_plots, save_plots, do_histogram, verbose)
252 if isBEPS:
--> 253 (UDVS_labs, UDVS_units, UDVS_mat) = self.__build_udvs_table(parm_dict)
255 # Remove the unused plot group columns before proceeding:

//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pycroscopy/io/translators/ in build_udvs_table(self, parm_dict)
1014 BE_amp = parm_dict['BE_amplitude
-> 1016 VS_amp = parm_dict['VS_amplitude
1017 VS_offset = parm_dict['VS_offset_[V]']
1018 # VS_read_voltage = parm_dict['VS_read_voltage_[V]']

KeyError: 'VS_amplitude_[V]'

Will explore this in more detail.

Fixed, and appears to be working.