pycrest / PyCrest

Python library for accessing the EVE Online CREST API

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Not all Items available in game listed using eve.itemTypes

bvelasquez opened this issue · comments

I do not see all items available in game using eve.itemTypes. For example, 'Daredevil' is missing as well as all Faction ammo, etc. Do I have to do something additional to get all of these types also? I would like to get the market prices for these items as well.


Late answer, but just in case you still have the issue.

Did you check through the different pages ?

You can "find" (and verify) what you need directly on crest endpoints :, you can see there are 29 pages :)

I believe I took this in the pycrest doc, but you can do something like this to get all the items :

def get_all_items(page):
    """ Fetch data from all pages """
    ret = page.items
    while hasattr(page, 'next'):
        page =
    return ret

And then something like item_list = get_all_items(eve.itemTypes()) to get all items, from all pages

@bvelasquez as I can find the Daredevil in itemTypes using pyCrest I'm closing this issue. If you still have problems please don't hesitate to open a new issue (or have us reopen this one).

If you're using the list only to get price information you might be better of using eve.marketTypes btw, this list contains 11k items instead of the 30k you're parsing.