pycdr / WM

WM (Watch Movie) is a video player that show it on the terminal as a text!

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"no module named gi" in converting process

lnxpy opened this issue · comments

You may need to add vext and modules in your dependencies in order to make gi module available on your imports.
Check this out:

It obviously backs to the Linux-based distribution that user is running WM on. Hope it helps. ❤️

Hi @lnxpy !
it seems that is the playsound library problem, however, playsound developer is off for a long time! so, I will add an installer instead of requirements.txt.
i saw an issue on the library that may be helpful for now: link.
it is added to file and we will update it soon.

dear @lnxpy ,
thank to you, it is fixed now! the playsound is now removed and play command is replaced.
now you can watch with sound! :)
if you want to use it, please read the again, there are somethings new.