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[BUG]: Issue with Re-registering Exceptions in Multiple Interpreter Lifecycles

nowtilous opened this issue · comments

Required prerequisites

What version (or hash if on master) of pybind11 are you using?


Problem description

When registering an exception in a PYBIND11_MODULE scope (with pybind11::register_exception), pybind invokes allows this action only once per exception type.
This is due to the usage of gil_safe_call_once_and_store in register_exception_impl.

The issue is, that some programs require to initialize + deinitialize the interpreter multiple times within the program's life time.
So, everytime a module is created, the register_exception occurs, however, after the first time it is invoked, it will never be invoked again for the same exception class due to the usage of gil_safe_call_once_and_store (which calls std::call_once).

A simple solution for this is to not use the call_once in gil_safe_call_once_and_store, and simply registering the exception
whenever a registration is invoked, regardless of it being already invoked previously.

This is pretty simple, makes me wonder if this was intended.

Reproducible example code

// a definition of MyException...

    py::register_exception<MyException>(m, "MyException")

int main() {
  py::exec("from sample import MyException");
  py::finalize_interpreter(); // Here, the exception registration will be destroyed

  // The following will fail due to ImportError of MyException!
  py::exec("from sample import MyException");

  return 0;

Is this a regression? Put the last known working version here if it is.

Not a regression