pyavitz / rpi-img-builder

Image Builder for the Raspberry Pi

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function after user creation

djsftree opened this issue · comments


Could you add a function called after the user creation script? I wish copy some items into the user home folder.

sure. give me a bit.

Couldn't we just move the function? adbd300

perfect! thanks!

Yeap. No prob.

What would be the best way of running pip as the installed user?

apt install -y python3-dev python3-pip python3-pytest procps libprocps-dev net-tools

as user

python3 -m pip install setuptools wheel
python3 -m pip install psutil==5.9.0 --no-binary :all: 

Inside the chroot? Hmm. Not sure and it sounds risky. I use pip3 sparingly and when I do I use sudo. Which they say is not recommended, but I've never had a game changing moment.

I have a thought. let me test.

I shoe horned it in, but it should also work with the user script function. Do a git pull and add the following to ur script...

apt install -y python3-dev python3-pip python3-pytest procps libprocps-dev net-tools
sudo -u ${USERNAME} python3 -m pip install setuptools wheel
sudo -u ${USERNAME} python3 -m pip install psutil==5.9.0 --no-binary :all:

If you wanna be 100% you own it afterward: chown -R ${USERNAME}:${USERNAME} /home/${USERNAME}

ls p2/home/${USERNAME}/.local/lib/python*/site*
psutil  psutil-5.9.0.egg-info

EDIT: Another possible solution could be.

su - ${USERNAME} -c "python3 -m pip install setuptools wheel"
su - ${USERNAME} -c "python3 -m pip install psutil==5.9.0 --no-binary :all:"

Or look into using the runuser command:

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