pwujczyk / ProductivityTools.Learning.Flask2

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Learning Flask1

This repository contains my learning steps from the book Python API Development Fundamentals - Develop a full-stack web application with Python and Flask

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

RecipeListResource inherit after Resource, when we have self in the () it does not ihnerit from anything

class RecipeListResource(Resource):
    def get(self):
        for recipe in recipe_list:
            if recipe.is_published is True:
        return {'data':data}, HTTPStatus.OK


Invoke-WebRequest -Uri

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -Method Post -Body (@{name='pawel'; description='dest'; num_of_servings=0} |ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType application/json

Database access


  • Flask-SQLAlchemy: This is a very popular ORM package that allows us to access objects rather than database tables for data. With ORM, we do not need to rely on SQL anymore.
  • Flask-Migrate: This is a package for database migration; it works on top of Alembic.
  • Psycopg2-binary: This is the adapter for the Postgres database.
  • Passlib: This is a password hashing library for Python.

Create db migrations

  • Create env
  • install dependncies
  • Invoke commands
 flask db init
 flask db migrate
 flask db upgrade

In the Python console in the PyCharm we can invoke expressions and operate with application

from app import *
from models.user import User
from models.recipe import Recipe
app = create_app()
user =User(username='pawel')
with app.app_context():



Language:Python 100.0%