pwntester /

Deserialization payload generator for a variety of .NET formatters

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

make artifact life time longer

gogo2464 opened this issue · comments


I can not download the artifact at:

Can you prolonge life time please?

Best regards.

@gogo2464 you can always fork it and run the actions that way. On the other hand, perhaps we can push a new version on each release automatically there @pwntester?

@gogo2464 I just checked and it seems the latest release is based on the latest code. So you should be able to download the latest version from there.

thanks I will check

@irsdl I checked and from the latest version I ensured and yes ysoserial -f BinaryFormatter -g TypeConfuseDelegateMono -c calc.exe still does not work.

@gogo2464 I think I know your issue now, in order to make the payload, you need to run ysoserial using mono:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mono\bin\mono.exe" ysoserial.exe -g TypeConfuseDelegateMono -f binaryformatter -c calc -t

Download it from

Let me try!

IT WORKS !!! THANKS! Let's document it!