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It seems fzf-lua picker dont have actions.mappings for 'send selected items into quickfix'?

MadKuntilanak opened this issue · comments

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Type: feature request

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Sending selected items into quickfix with telescope its okay, but not with fzf-lua?

@pwntester Had a question about this: I added sending to quickfix in a branch ☝️ by just tabbing over entries and hitting enter. That generally works.

But I was also considering adding when you tab over entries (i.e. select them) and then hit ctrl-v it would open all of them in vertical splits (same with ctrl-s for horizontal splits and ctrl-t for tabs). All of this is standard functionality for how fzf-lua operates.

The problem I'm running into is only the final split gets any real content and if you slow down the screen recording below you can see that all three issues get loaded in sequence in a single buffer.

Do you have any ideas about this? Also, when opening in the quickfix window if you select an item (rather than using :cnext etc) it will create a new split.

@milogert how do you handle opening multiple files? I can only see the QF bits in your branch. As for QF, this is handled by Telescope so you may want to take a look to see how thats implemented there (it may be handled by the autocmds defined there)

@pwntester thanks for looking. I revisited this yesterday and I think I found a solution to this whole ticket.. But I also think there is a bug in fzf-lua (maybe) that involves setting uris as files when sending to quickfix. I'm going to open a PR over there and see what they think

If that bug is actually a bug and not by design I think it will simplify all of the fzf-lua picker actions since we'd be able to just use the natively provided fzf-lua actions instead of custom ones (at least for basic stuff, ctrl-y and ctrl-b would still need to be custom)