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Mapping `<c-v>`, `<c-s>`, `<c-t>` seems not work as expected, picker fzf-lua

MadKuntilanak opened this issue · comments

Issue Description

Type: bug report

Describe what happened

Except <CR>, both mapping pickers (fzf-lua or telescope) do not appear to be working as expected.

  1. <c-t> does not define an open tab as expected.
  2. <c-v> does not define a vertical window as expected.
  3. <c-s> does not define a split window as expected.

Tell us your environment

Neovim nightly

Anything else we need to know?

function, entry)

I use fzf-luaso fixed it with this:

  Open the entry in a buffer.

  @param command One of 'default', 'horizontal', 'vertial', or 'tab'
  @param entry The entry to open.
function, entry)
  if command == "default" then
    vim.cmd [[buffer %]]
  elseif command == "horizontal" then
    vim.cmd [[sp %]]
  elseif command == "vertical" then
    vim.cmd [[vsp %]]
  elseif command == "tab" then
    vim.cmd [[tabnew %]]
  utils.get(entry.kind, entry.repo, entry.value)

what do you think?

OK, after getting neovim nightly installed with my flake config I still don't see this issue. What command are you using to do a search in fzf-lua? I tried this with Octo pr search, Octo issue search, and Octo search and all seemed to work ok.

oh no. my bad
yes, after solving the fzf config there is no mistake

you can close this issue

Thanks for looking into it @milogert!