pwntester / octo.nvim

Edit and review GitHub issues and pull requests from the comfort of your favorite editor

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[FEATURE REQUEST] command to add issue to project

divramod opened this issue · comments

Issue Description

feature request

Describe what you expected to happen

I need to add my issues to projects on a regular basis.
can you please implement this feature and provide a feature for it?

thx for the awesome plugin!

You should be able to do that already with Octo card add. Please reopen if you find any issues

@pwntester i tried it, but nvim says:

There are no matching projects for yourorga/yourrepo.

i have 3 projects, which are also listed in the repositories tab.

do i have change some settings? or is it only working with the new projects feature (it is in preview).

for context: the project is an organization project linked to the repository.

Is this a public repo I can take a look at? The issue may be related to the project belonging to the org rather than to the repo itself. Will take a look

Tackle as part of ProjectsV2 support