pwatson100 / alienrpg

Alien RPG system for Foundry VTT.

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Migrated Tough Talent Creating problems on sheet

jacksands opened this issue · comments

Hi! first tks for your work! I'm having a blast playing Alien!

I had encountered a strange behavior related to the Tough Talent. My game is migrated from V9, and I start noticing that when a player have his sheet opened I cannot properly interact with the same sheet, sometimes the foundry even crashes, but without any console errors... Test with no modules but the officials and rebuilding the sheet from the start I was able to define the error to the tough talent.

I tested it on a brand new world and it do not happens, even importing the actor from the world with the error to the new. So I suppose it is only because it is an migrated world.

Strangely deleting the talent and reimporting it from the module do not solves it.

I don't mind rebuilding my world from the start, I can use compendiums and such, but can you give a look if you can?

I have made a video showing a GM screen and a PC screen trying to use the sheet, and if you want I can send the world zipped as well!

Once again tks for your help!



That is very odd. If you create a new actor and do the same thing with the Tough talent, does it still go wrong?
Also, could you try it with the CRT UI disabled. (you are using the built in CRT UI?).

yes, this is a brand new character created on the world where the error occurred...

also removing the talent solves the issue on old characters...

Also, could you try it with the CRT UI disabled. (you are using the built in CRT UI?).

also tested with the migrated talent and deleting it from the world and re importing only this talent causes the same error...
have no idea why

already tried disable the crt, and it is the built-in one

the only thing I haven't try is to open the same world on other foundry install in a different computer only to see if the issue persist

I can see from your video that when you remove/add the talent that the max health is being changed on the GM and Player screens. Are there any errors showing in the player console?

no, no console errors at all...
only the sheet becames unresponsive...

Could you zip up your world and send me it on Discord? Let's see if it happens on my machines.

yes, I will do it as soon as possible...
tks for the effort!

No problem. Forgot to ask, does it happen with all other modules disabled?

If you can DM it to me I will have a look.

OK. Bad news. It's hapening to me as well. So don't worry about the world.

Found the issue, just need to work out how to fix it!

ok, that's bad, I hoped it was local so no one else would have this issue...
if I can help just say it

wow! that fast!!

For some reason, I need to determine, if you add TOUGH or NERVES OF STEEL the sheet goes into a loop.

Thank you for identifying that issue. TBH, I had not seen it before. I suspect it was because I did not have a player window open when I was testing.

i thank you for the amazing work!
that's no way you could test everything, with hundreds of world now active something will show, the fact that has been so little issues so far is a testimony to a work well done by you!
